Dear ,
As my term as Council Chair draws to a close, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support throughout the year. It's been an honor leading this incredible community dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the human brain.
Now, let's turn our focus to the exciting future! We're thrilled to invite you to the 30th Annual Meeting of our esteemed organization, taking place in Seoul, Korea from June 23 – June 27, 2024. The OHBM 2024 Annual Meeting promises to be a landmark event. I encourage everyone to actively participate in this momentous occasion.
Whether you're presenting groundbreaking research, networking with colleagues, or simply staying informed about the latest advancements in brain mapping, OHBM 2024 promises to be an enriching experience.
Don't miss out! Take a moment to finalize your travel arrangements, register for the meeting (including any Educational Courses you'd like to attend), and prepare your presentations.
We look forward to welcoming you to Seoul and celebrating the collective achievements of our vibrant community!
Tianzi Jiang, OHBM Council Chair
Table of contents
- Helpful information for the OHBM Annual Meeting
- Committee and Special Interest Group (SIG) updates
- Keynote and Talairach interview series
- New blog post on the changing face of open science in OHBM
- New episodes of Neurosalience, the OHBM podcast
- Recent publications in Aperture Neuro
- Job postings on the OHBM Job Board

OHBM 2024 Mobile App
We’re thrilled to announce that the OHBM 2024 Mobile App is now available for download! Our app ensures you have all the information you need right at your fingertips, whether you’re using an iPhone, Android, Blackberry, or any web browser-enabled phone.
To download the app, simply click here. You can also find the app by searching for "OHBM Annual Meeting" in the App Store or Google Play. For other devices, use the link above and select the "Web Planner" option, then bookmark the page for easy access.
A beginner’s guide to traveling in Seoul, Korea
To celebrate this special event, the Seoul OHBM Local Organizing Committee compiled a few tips to help you plan your trip to Korea. We have outlined i) Korea Tour Card, ii) mobile services, iii) apps that could be helpful, iv) transportation, and finally, v) attractive sites to visit for a refreshment. We hope that this post can be of a small help for any visitors for the OHBM!
How to do your #OHBM2024 sustainably
For many OHBM members, there will be considerable travel involved in reaching the conference this year. With that in mind, it’s a great idea to try to find other ways to slip some sustainability into your conference-going practices. On the OHBM Blog, we’ve put together some tips from the Sustainability & Environmental Action-SIG to keep your experience as green as possible.
How to Get Excited & Prepared for OHBM 2024 in Seoul
The Student–Postdoc SIG wrote a blog post a couple months ago to help guide you through the steps you can take to ensure you are fully prepared and excited for OHBM 2024!
OHBM satellite events
Each year, around the Annual Meeting, members of the brain mapping community may choose to host a satellite event in our host city showcasing like-minded topics to our attendees. These events might be of interest to you!

BrainArt SIG
The call for submissions to our annual BrainArt Competition is officially open! Find more details and how to participate on our website.
Student–Postdoc SIG
The Student and Postdoc Special Interests Group (SP-SIG) will be hosting the following pre-conference and conference events:
- Pre-conference event: On June 7, 2024, at 3 PM UTC, the SP-SIG will be hosting an Online Career Panel in collaboration with the Women Faculty in OHBM SIG. The webinar will feature women faculty globally, including Dr. Leticia Rittner, Dr. Julie Golomb, and Dr. Donna Rose Addis. The event will be hosted by Dr. Jean Chen and Dr. Naomi Gaggi. The webinar will focus on understanding training and career trajectories of representative women faculty globally, becoming familiar with challenges, barriers and factors that impact on success in the careers of women scientists, and discussing strategies and solutions to promote women’s career development in academia. Please register on Eventbrite.
- Conference event: The annual SP-SIG Monday Night Social will be hosted at Arte Seoul on Monday June 24, 2024, from 8 pm–1 am. Location:Gangnam-daero, 415, Seocho-gu,Seoul, South Korea 클럽 아르떼:서초구 강남대로 415
- Conference event: The SP-SIG will be hosting a roundtable titled Connections that Count: Strategies for Fostering Successful Mentor-Mentee Relationships in Neuroimaging on Tuesday June 25, 2024 from 1–2 pm.
- Conference event: The SP-SIG will be hosting a symposium titled Increasing international collaboration opportunities for early career researchers on Tuesday, June 25th, from 3–4:15 pm.
- Conference event: The SP-SIG will be hosting the annual Lunch with Mentors on June 24, 2024, from 12:40–1:40 pm. Please check your emails for mentor and mentee assignments!
We hope to see you there!
Open Science SIG
The OSSIG team is busily preparing for the BrainHack, Open Science Room and Symposium at OHBM 2024. There are many opportunities for the community to participate in our activities.
The OHBM BrainHack registrations are still open, but spots are filling fast!
- Brainhack is currently accepting HackTract Project submissions.
- If you would like to lead a talk/unconference during the hack, you can reach out to us via ohbm.brainhack.2024@gmail.com
- We are also accepting community-led tutorial proposals for the TrainTrack.
- Participants are welcome to join the volunteer squad and help the organizers.
Open Mics session in the Open Science Room (OSR): participants from all levels are welcomed to sign up for a 5-minute time slot to promote software, research, ideas, or opinions related to Open Science. Info and sign up here.
There are also still two spots left for OSR emergent sessions. If there's a hot topic you would like to suggest, apply here.
Are you interested in supporting us in other ways to score perks like event discounts and shout-outs? Check out our Sponsor Tiers link for more info.
Sustainability and Environmental Action SIG
The Sustainability and Environmental Action (SEA-) SIG has a rich program for this year’s Annual Meeting in Seoul.
Joining forces with the Open Science SIG, we are organizing an emergent session addressing green computing as an increasingly important aspect of socially responsible science. The SEA-SIG emergent session will take place on Monday, June 24, from 5:45–6:45 pm in Conference Room E 5.
On Tuesday, June 25, from 9:00–10:15 am in Grand Ballroom 104–105, we will be hosting a symposium Rethinking (brain imaging) research in a time of socio-ecological crisis where our speakers Dr. Gabrielle Samuel, Dr. Niall Duncan, and Dr. Clare Kelly will present the necessity of addressing the environmental as well as socio-economic aspects of our scientific work and academic practices.
We are getting more social on Wednesday, June 26, at 1:00–2:00 pm, when we’re organizing a plant-based picnic, which is a great opportunity to have an informal conversation about sustainability topics.
Join our organized activities or just stop by our booth 202! We will be happy to chat.
Keynote and Talairach interview series
ComCom’s annual interview series with annual meeting keynote and Talairach presenters is live! Read, watch, and listen to interviews with 2024 Annual Meeting presenters on the new ComCom website.
New blog post on the changing face of open science in OHBM
Next year marks 10 years of the OHBM Open Science Special Interest Group (OSSIG). In that time, the landscape of open science has evolved and so have the priorities of the OSSIG. In preparation for OHBM 2024 in Seoul, the OSSIG embarked upon a reflective journey through conversations with its past and present OSSIG chairs. Hear stories and perspectives from past OSSIG Chairs Cameron Craddock, Kirstie Whitaker, and Janine Bijsterbosch, along with the present Chair, Nils Muhlert, on the OHBM Blog!
This month, three new episodes of Season 4 of Neurosalience were released. All episodes can be viewed on YouTube or on your usual podcast platform.
Episode 16: Todd Woodward – Pulling out network subtleties with CPCA in Schizophrenia
Episode 17: Vince Calhoun – (Part 1/2) Fusing and squeezing data for information
Episode 18: Vince Calhoun – (Part 2/2) A principled approach to data mining

Check out three new publications in Aperture Neuro:
Steegers C, Bracké K, van der Harst T, et al. Brain, behavior, cognition, and physical health in first-onset adolescent anorexia nervosa: The BRAVE Study design and cohort profile. Aperture Neuro. 2024;4. doi:10.52294/001c.116180
“The primary aim of the BRAVE Study is to identify predictors of treatment response in a large sample of 12-to-22-year-old females with first-onset typical or atypical anorexia nervosa.”
Bandettini P, Fischl B, Hoge R, Gjedde A, Evans A. Dr. Sean Marrett (1960 - 2023): A Life of Joyful Engagement. Aperture Neuro. 2024;4. doi:10.52294/001c.116897
“Dr. Sean Marrett, a treasured neuroscientist and highly engaged member of the international brain mapping community for more than three decades, passed away on December 12, 2023 after a 16 month battle with Mesothelioma. His impact went beyond scientific productivity. He was a friend, colleague, and inspiration to perhaps thousands across disciplines. We briefly summarize his inspiring career and his approach to life in this editorial.”
Padova D, Faria A, Ratnanather JT, So RJ, Zhu S, Agrawal Y. Vestibular Function is Associated with Prefrontal and Sensorimotor Cortical Gray Matter Volumes in a Cross-Sectional Study of Healthy, Older Adults. Aperture Neuro. 2024;4. doi:10.52294/001c.116785
“The primary goal of this cross-sectional study is to determine the associations between age-related, subclinical vestibular end-organ function and gray matter volumes of the somatosensory, motor, and prefrontal cortices.”

- The Center for Advanced Imaging Research (CAIR) in the Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine is currently recruiting a Postdoctoral Fellow to work in a collaborative environment with investigators conducting cutting-edge imaging studies and image guided therapeutic innovations with strong translational potential.
- The UK Biobank and University of Manchester, UK, are seeking an MRI Physicist who will work 50% at the Biobank and 50% at the University of Manchester to develop a highly competitive program of research in MRI physics.
- The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas, NV, has a position available for a researcher (MRI Research Engineer) in structural and functional neuroimaging (MRI/fMRI/DTI).

If you have content to be featured in the next OHBMonthly newsletter, or a suggestion or comment regarding its format, we want to hear from you!
Reach out to ohbm.comcom@gmail.com.