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The 2020 Annual Meeting was held June 23 - July 3 through an innovative and interactive virtual experience. All content from the Annual Meeting and Educational Courses is now available to OHBM Members on OHBM’s OnDemand platform.  Join us through OHBM Membership now!

The OHBM Annual Meeting is the place to learn about the latest international research across modalities in human brain mapping. It is an opportunity for you to have one-on-one discussions with experts in the field and connect with your peers from all over the world. At the educational sessions, junior and senior scientists of various backgrounds teach about the most current and ground-breaking developments in the field, including machine learning techniques, high resolution imaging and most recently also open science methods. The meeting is held every June at stunning locations alternating between North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

OHBM 2020 Meeting Invitation letter found here.

"Sixth time attending and OHBM 2017 was by far the best one yet! Thanks for the great conversations everyone, can’t wait ’til next year!"

— Emily Finn
Postdoc at The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


Q: How do I obtain my CME credits?
A: Attendees may download the 2020 CME Form and fill out their credits to complete their CEU certificate.

Q: How do I obtain my Certificate of Attendance for the Annual Meeting?
 Attendees may download the fillable 2020 Certificate of Attendance for the Annual Meeting and fill in their names to complete their certificate.

Q: How do I obtain my Certificate of Attendance for the 2020 Educational Courses?
 Attendees may download the fillable Certificate of Attendance for the 2020 Educational Courses and fill in their names to complete their certificate.

Q: Where can I find the 2020 Abstract Book?
A: Click here!

Q: Why was the decision made to cancel the 2020 Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada and offer the meeting in a virtual format?
The health and safety of our meeting participants, faculty members, volunteers, industry partners, vendors and staff is our priority. For weeks, we closely monitored updates from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and have worked with all stakeholders involved exploring the possible options. Unfortunately, due to escalating international travel and public gathering restrictions, a physical meeting of our international colleagues and partners in Montreal was no longer possible.  OHBM remains devoted to bringing together the brain mapping community to learn the latest from one another, and to advance research. With this in mind, OHBM decided to bring the world meeting to each of you in the form of a virtual experience – the 26th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 23-July 3, 2020.

Q: Who is eligible for Developing Country Reduced Registration rate?
OHBM provides an opportunity for current members who reside and work in countries ranking low on The World Bank's country income classification list to apply for reduced registration rates (a 50% discount on the General Annual Meeting registration fees) for the OHBM Annual Meeting. Discounts do not apply to educational courses. Please Submit Your Application here.

Q: What did my Annual Meeting registration fee include?
Your Annual Meeting registration fee includes:
Sponsored Keynote Lectures
- Symposia
- Oral Sessions
- Poster Sessions
- Exhibit Hall
- Engagement Lounges
*A separate registration is required if you wish to attend any Educational Courses. Educational course titles and description are available to view on the OHBM website and we encourage you to register for them now. If you would like to add an educational course to your current registration, please contact info@humanbrainmapping.org.

Q: Who is considered a Student Member?
A student member is a full-time student working towards a graduate degree (MS, PhD, or MD degree) or an individual who is no more than four years out after completing such a degree.

Q: Can I attend the Educational Courses without having to register for the full Annual Meeting?
Typically registration for the Annual Meeting is a requirement in order to register for Educational Courses.  For this year only, attendees were able to register for the Educational Courses without registering for the Annual Meeting as they were offered as two separate events with separate log in credentials required to participate.

Q: When were Educational Courses Launched? 
Educational courses were launched on Monday, July 13th.  All courses were pre-recorded and can be watched at leisure on OHBM OnDemand.  Interactive engagement lounges were held Wednesday, July 15th through Friday, July 17th.

Q: If I have technical difficulty while attending the Annual Meeting, where do I go for help?
Once you are logged in to the Annual Meeting platform, please visit the lobby and click on the hanging banner that reads Technical Support.

Q: Can you explain the different time zones in which programming was held?
Three days of programming and activities were scheduled alternating between three major time zones as follows: 1) New York (North/South America) 2) London (Europe) and 3) Hong Kong (Asia/Australia). This Schedule of Events allowed most countries to attend “live” chat events and activities.

Q: I noticed that the General Assembly & Feedback Forum (GAFF) was not included on the agenda. When was the GAFF held? 
 The General Assembly and Feedback Forum was held the week of July 8th.   A survey was sent to gather member questions in advance of the Forum. 

Q: Is the content from the Annual Meeting and Educational Courses still available for viewing?
Yes, ALL content is now available to OHBM Members on OHBM’s OnDemand platform.  You can become a member on the OHBM Membership Webpage.

Q: Does OHBM have a Code of Conduct?
Yes, please visit the OHBM website or click here to review the OHBM Code of Conduct.


"Been attending OHBM since 2006. Amazed at how much progress has been made, and proud of how far we have come. The open science, mentoring, and diversity initiatives are particularly inspiring. Looking forward to continuing these trends in Rome!”
— Lucina Uddin, Associate Professor at the University of Miami

"OHBM2018 = best conference I’ve been to in years. Congrats to all you brain mappers and organizers for taking the field forward so fast; heading home now with lots of new ideas and not enough time to do them all.”
— Paul Thompson, Professor of Neurology at the University of Southern California
