Fellow of OHBM

The Organization for Human Brain Mapping, is pleased to announce the Call for Fellow of OHBM. The Fellow of OHBM distinction honors outstanding Active members (as defined in the dues category) of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping who have demonstrated academic and intellectual leadership in the disciplines represented by the Society over an extended period of time.  By earning the right to include the initials FOHBM among their credentials demonstrates that the individual has been honored by one of the community’s most eminent Society’s for human brain mapping.

Requirements for Fellow of OHBM  

The following requirements must be met before the applicant can be presented to the Awards Committee for consideration as a Fellow of OHBM.

  1. Applicants must be an Active member (as defined by the dues category) in good standing of OHBM for at least 7 years, must have attended at least 7 annual meetings (years in either category do not have to be concurrent).
  2. History of active engagement in OHBM activities.
  3. Two letters of recommendation, from current OHBM members, must be submitted.  Letters of recommendation must outline why the individual should be accepted as a Fellow and their contributions to OHBM and the brain mapping community. 
  4. Applicant must be currently and actively contributing to the field on a full-time basis.
  5. A personal statement of no more than 1,000 words outlining the applicant’s reasons for applying to be a Fellow and how their contribution meets the purpose of the distinction. 
  6. Current Curriculum vitae (no more than 10 publications)

NOTE:  Nominations that are not formatted correctly, contain incorrect documents, or are missing required documents will not be considered.

Award Nominations for the 2025 Annual Meeting have closed. Winners will be announced in Brisbane, Australia.

Questions? Please direct them to the OHBM Executive Office at info@humanbrainmapping.org.

Wall of Fellows both past and present include:



Anqi Qiu

Thomas Yeo

Arno Villringer


Aina Puce

Xi-Nian Zuo

Karen Berman


Peter Bandettini


Vince Calhoun

Cyril Pernet

Russ Poldrack


Susan Bookheimer

Jack Van Horn

Michael Chee

Pedro Antonio Valdés-Sosa

Heidi Johansen-Berg
