The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), represents the neuroscientific, neurological, methodological, and educational interests of thousands of researchers worldwide - those who utilize advanced medical imaging and electrophysiological technologies to examine brain form, function, and connectivity. This community, with its focus on the development and application of specialized methodologies for data acquisition, processing, interpretation, and visualization, depends heavily upon the collective knowledge of its experts.
As OHBM gains momentum as a Society through a carefully created strategic plan, recently celebrating its 30th Anniversary, and looks forward to future success, it seeks to enact a formalized process to encapsulate, encode, and express “best practice” recommendations for our field. Such “best practices” have so far been mostly put forward in an ad-hoc manner. OHBM seeks to formalize this process with the aim of clarifying a consensus on what works best.
The following documents describe the means by which neuroimaging-related best practices recommendations are defined by the OHBM, how they may be solicited or proposed, ratified, and communicated (the process). New ideas take the development route and if you have an existing product for submission please check the criteria for submission for endorsement:
Through a process for rigorously developing, documenting, and disseminating best practice across the domains of human neuroimaging research, OHBM aims to promote science literacy, transparency, and reproducibility. Thus, the aim is that the quality of research from OHBM members is elevated to further establish a culture of neuroscientific excellence over the next 25 years and beyond.
COBIDAS MRI: Committee on Best Practices in Data Analysis and Sharing. Tom Nichols, Oxford University
Status - Endorsed
COBIDAS MEEG: Magneto- and Electro-Encephalography. Aina Puce, Indiana University; Cryil Pernet, University of Edinburgh
Status - Endorsed
WHATnet: Best Practices on Large-Scale Brain Network Nomenclature. Lucina Uddin, University of Miami
Status - Endorsed
fMRI Language: Clinical fMRI for Language Mapping. Cryil Pernet, Natalie Voets, Andreas Barch, et al.
Status - Open; Contribute here.
QC-fMRI: Quality Control in fMRI. Paul Taylor
Status - Pending
BIDS: Brain Imaging Data Structure. Ariel Rokem
Status - Pending
MRS Consensus Guidelines: Paul Mullins & Alexander Lin
Status - Pending
As a member of OHBM, if you see an opportunity where a set of best practices would be useful for serving the community, helping to improve the reporting of results, advance methods development, etc, please consider proposing it to the OHBM Best Practices Committee. Newly developed set of best practices will be encouraged to be summarized in the peer-reviewed literature as well as appear in OHBM’s Journal, Aperture Neuro.
If you are aware of an existing standard or best practice, developed by another organization or entity, which might be one worthy of endorsement by the OHBM, we welcome you to recommend them.
Tom Johnstone, PhD
Cyril Pernet, PhD
JB Poline, PhD
Jack Van Horn, PhD
United States
Satrajit Ghosh, PhD
United States
Remi Gau, PhD
Matt Glasser, MD, PhD
United States
Manzar Ashtari, PhD
United States
John Pyles, PhD
United States
Dara Cannon, PhD
Peter Bandettini, PhD
United States
Reza Momenan, PhD
United States
Marc Seal, PhD
Je-Yeon Yun, MD, PhD
Republic of Korea
Aurina Arnatkeviciute, PhD
Rosanna OIsen, PhD, Council Liaison
Please look for the OHBM Call for Volunteers mailing, sent annually, or contact the Chairs listed above.