Open Science Award

The Organization for Human Brain Mapping Open Science Award recognizes an individual or team’s sustained and impactful efforts in the area of open science.

Award Criteria:

  1. The applicant(s) must have demonstrated leadership in the promotion of open science to advance research in neuroscience, neurology, psychology or any other discipline found within OHBM community.  Examples include but are not limited to efforts in: open data, open software, educational resources, hackathon activities, open research data, open publishing. or any initiative that promotes collaboration. 
  2. Open science efforts can include individual or collaborative team efforts.
  3. All applicants must be OHBM members in good standing.


  1. 1 nomination of an individual or a team.
  2. A brief statement of 1000 words or less.

Award Nominations for the 2025 Annual Meeting have closed. Winners will be announced in Brisbane, Australia.

Questions? Please direct them to the OHBM Executive Office at

Past Open Science Award recipients include:

2024: Seoul, Korea
Adriana Di Martino, United States

2023: Montreal, Canada
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) Team, United Kingdom

2022: Glasgow, Scotland
Russ Poldrack, United States

2021: OHBM Virtual II
R. Cameron Craddock, United States

2020: OHBM Virtual I
Michael Milham, United States
