Anastasia Yendiki is Associate Professor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Associate Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. She received her Ph.D in Electrical Engineering: Systems from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where she worked on inverse problems in tomographic image reconstruction. She then came to the Martinos Center to learn about fMRI, but saw a tractography image on her first day and changed her mind. As a postdoc, she developed TRACULA, the diffusion tractography toolbox in the FreeSurfer software package. Her current interests are in obtaining accurate models of white-matter fiber bundles from microscopy techniques, such as anatomic tracing and optical imaging, developing methods that can take advantage of these post mortem models to infer connectional anatomy from in vivo diffusion MRI, and one day getting good at flamenco guitar.

