ohbm engage Communication Portal

Welcome to the ohbm engage Communication Portal! This is an area where members can submit comments, suggestions and questions regarding activities of the Society to the appropriate leadership group for review. Here members may also request for a posting on our social media channels or website - all of these submissions will be reviewed and approved by the Communications Committee. This portal provides a new level of open communication and transparency that is essential for our vibrant Society.

*Please ensure any links provided are spelled correctly and are functioning prior to submitting.

If you would like to leave a comment, suggestion, or question for OHBM leadership; please leave it below and it will be routed to the appropriate group.

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For all other submissions; where would you like this information published?

Author of submission
Email address
Desired start date and duration
Opening line (catchy - grab readers attention!)
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Main body of article
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Closing lines (Typically, this is where the one writes how the reader can get further information about the topic, person to contact, website to link, pdf to view)
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Twitter message (Optional)
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