Monday, June 26, 2017
Morning Symposia 8:00-9:15 | Room |
Method Validation in functional MRI using Realistic Simulations | Ballroom C |
Large-scale spatial trends in cortical organization | Ballroom AB |
Uncovering complexity with long-term naturalistic recordings | 220-222 |
How visual experience affects (or not) the functional organization of the "visual"? cortex | 211-214 |
Keynote Lecture 9:30-10:15 | Room |
Kalanit Grill-Spector, PhD Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States |
Ballroom AB |
Brain Growth and the Development of Face Recognition Both functional and anatomical measurements provide compelling empirical evidence supporting the growth hypothesis. Functionally, results reveal (1) age-related increases in the size of face-selective regions, (2) age-related increases in responsiveness and selectivity to faces, and (3) a developmental increase in neural sensitivity to face identity, which is correlated with an increase in perceptual discriminability of faces. Importantly, this development is specific, occurring in face- but not object- and place-selective regions and cannot be explained by differences in data quality or measurement noise across age groups. Anatomically, we find (1) age-related decreases in T1 relaxation that are associated with increases in macromolecular tissue volume in face- but not place-selective regions, which we validate in histological slices of postmortem brains, (2) this tissue development is correlated with specific increases in functional selectivity to faces, as well as improvements in face recognition, and (3) the largest developmental decreases in both T1 relaxation and mean diffusivity occur close to the gray-white matter boundary of face-selective regions, suggesting that in addition to dendritic complexification increased myelination may contribute to tissue growth. Together, these data suggest a new model by which emergent brain function and behavior during childhood result from cortical tissue growth rather than from pruning. |
LOC Symposia 10:50-12:00 | Room |
Myelin Water Imaging in Human Brain: Principles, Validation and Applications White matter makes up 40% of brain tissue. Myelin is a critical structural and functional component of white matter that allows rapid and effective information exchange in the brain. Recent animal work shows that myelin is neuroplastic. Using a rodent model, McKenzie et al. (2014) established the relationship between oligodendrocyte proliferation and learning, showing accelerated oligodendrocyte generation is associated with performance of a complex skill and an absence of motor learning when these cells were genetically blocked. However, much less is known about what changes in myelin are associated with learning or following brain damage in humans. Recently non-invasive imaging techniques have emerged that can characterize myelin in vivo in humans. This symposium will provide suggestions for the implementation of myelin water imaging to index myelin in humans in future work. |
Ballroom AB |
Publishing Round Table 12:00-14:30 | Room |
During this roundtable, attendees will be provided with an overview of the current landscape and trends within the publishing community followed by a facilitated discussion with key journal editors. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in open dialogue with the panel to gain knowledge that will assist with publishing their own work. |
211-214 |
Philips Lunch Symposium 12:00-14:30 | Room |
Elevate neuro diagnostics |
220-222 |
Poster Session 12:45-14:45 | Exhibit Hall |
Poster Numbers #1000-2224 Authors with even numbered posters will present their posters today. |
Afternoon Symposia 14:45-16:00 | Room |
Predicting the future: Multivariate models of brain-ageing in health and disease | Ballroom C |
Multimodal Functional Cartography: from connectivity to cognition | Ballroom AB |
Inferring brain-computational mechanisms by testing representational models | 211-214 |
Keynote Lecture 16:15-17:00 | Room |
Tal Yarkoni University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States |
Ballroom AB |
Threats to valid inference with fMRI: a primer Functional MRI is a powerful tool, but like most powerful tools, it works best when operated with care and consideration. In this talk, I selectively review a number of methodological and statistical issues that are routinely overlooked in neuroimaging studies, yet threaten the validity of many common inferences. These include concerns about measurement error, construct validity, statistical confounding, causal attribution, and generalizability of results. Drawing on both contemporary examples from neuroimaging and decades of domain-general psychometric research, I demonstrate how researchers who ignore such concerns run a substantial risk of getting major conclusions wrong--or, worse, not even wrong. For principled reasons, I do not, however, discuss any solutions to these problems. |
Oral Sessions 17:15-18:30 | Room |
Acquisition Methods | Ballroom AB |
Informatics | 211-214 |
Perception & Attention | Ballroom C |
Psychiatric Disorders | 220-222 |
8th Annual NeuroBureau & OHBM Student/Postdoc SIG Gala | Location |
Open Science Block Party |
901/957/958 Granville Street |